A good project is only one part of the puzzle. Getting stars is really all about marketing and promoting it. A guide on growth hacking a Github project.
An explanation of the challenges of graph anonymisation and the difficulty of striking a balance between usefulness and anonymity. Written as a response to Singapore's TraceTogether privacy saga
Looking for a performant, out of the box template, with all the best in web technology to support your blogging needs? Checkout the Tailwind Nextjs Starter Blog template
Learn Julia by implementing Schelling's famous segregation model. You will see many similarities to Python - no types need to be specified (it's a dynamic language) and pick up some nice syntactical properties of Julia.
A revised benchmark of graphs / network computation packages featuring an updated methodology and more comprehensive testing. Find out how Networkx, igraph, graph-tool, Networkit, SNAP and lightgraphs perform