A survey on the different methodologies used to generate structured output from LLMs, from model fine-tuning, to domain specific language, and schema engineering.
A concise guide on building SQLite WASM on Ubuntu Linux with custom extensions. Run SQLite in the browser and enable new possibilities by providing an interface to other C libraries through custom extensions.
A review of the things I have learned from building in the open over the past year. Thoughts and reflections on what it takes to grow a project and the difficulty translating open-source success to commerical success.
An exploration of markdown and HTML syntax trees. Documenting my experience creating rehype-prism-plus, a syntax highlighting plugin that creates pretty code blocks.
A good project is only one part of the puzzle. Getting stars is really all about marketing and promoting it. A guide on growth hacking a Github project.
Learn Julia by implementing Schelling's famous segregation model. You will see many similarities to Python - no types need to be specified (it's a dynamic language) and pick up some nice syntactical properties of Julia.
A revised benchmark of graphs / network computation packages featuring an updated methodology and more comprehensive testing. Find out how Networkx, igraph, graph-tool, Networkit, SNAP and lightgraphs perform
The serverless way - using Google Cloud Platform to deploy simple machine learning models via Cloud Run. A fun weekend project that analyses the twitter-verse
In this post, I explore the problem of simplifying route intersections and document some Python code that can be used to clean and visualize Open Street Maps as a network representation
Part II in the network exploration of the Game of Thrones series. In this post, we combine the plots together and use gganimate to visualise relationships across all 5 books
This post is the first in a series of my study notes on regression techniques. It covers regression as a solution to the least squares minimisation problem