Published onJanuary 5, 2019Cleaning openstreetmap intersections in pythonpythonspatialvisualisationnotesIn this post, I explore the problem of simplifying route intersections and document some Python code that can be used to clean and visualize Open Street Maps as a network representation
Published onOctober 11, 2017Mapping SG - Shiny AppSingaporeRspatialvisualisationAn R shiny application with Leaflet
Published onSeptember 13, 2017Using Leaflet in R - TutorialSingaporeRspatialvisualisationnotesA tutorial on using Leaflet in R for geospatial visualisation
Published onSeptember 10, 2017Examining the Changes in Religious Beliefs - Part 2SingaporeRspatialsg-socialvisualisationExploring the changes in religious beliefs in Singapore between 2000 to 2015
Published onAugust 29, 2017Mapping the Distribution of Religious Beliefs in SingaporeSingaporeRspatialsg-socialvisualisationExamining the spatial distribution of Singapore's population